Syntax ✨さんのプロフィール画像

Syntax ✨さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:176 フォロワー数:480

You know, it really saddens me that so many people misinterpret these two characters so much that some resort to slander in order to justify their reasoning. With Serena its always " she existed for purely ship bait " and for Goh its " he spams Pokeballs ". 1/5

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Greatest of all eternity. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. DIAMOND standard of storytelling. The apogee of creativity. Vertex of Invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Legend among legends. PEAK among Peaks of fiction.

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They unironically complain on their account and cry 24/7 when nothing even happened LMAOO

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Like I said. Rent free.💀😂

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Ah yes ! More unnecessary generalization. Matthew literally did nothing wrong.

XY Fanbase just lives rent free in your head buddy 🥱

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