

•Minors DNI
•Kagura Stan & SessRin
•Roleo/escribo fanfics

フォロー数:995 フォロワー数:583







Are some "fans" of Sonya seriously criticizing Li Mei? I love both girls, although Sonya is my favorite, and the little interaction they had was very pretty. Stop throwing shit at MK's ladys for a while.
I need to find the fanart artist.

2 14

Will there be people who shipping Kagura x Byakuya, and SessRin, or just me? 👉👈

0 3

Ya escribí el primer cap del Rivetra que necesitaba hacer <3

Necesito saber de estx artista.

2 4

The girls look and act 14 years old. Not 15 and 16 being sexualized. There is no love triangle plot where it creates a fork, so you feel like you have to choose one or the other. And there is no little yokai sneaking in where they don't call them.

0 4

fans are boring to 's "generic episodes" and villains who are defeated in one chapter, but I really enjoy having a whole cast that I like, and that there is no human (male) who sexually harasses other women, that is: a Miroku. 👇

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