

•Minors DNI
•Kagura Stan & SessRin
•Roleo/escribo fanfics

フォロー数:995 フォロワー数:583

Sonya's friendship would have been better, if the dog/turret did something wrong and Sonya scold them.

Or rather, no turrets and drones for Sonya. Thanks.

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The fans constantly comparing to criticize the anime, as ridiculous nostalfag, reminds me of those who constantly said that Byakuya was a copy of Kagura. And...I love both, and I ship them.

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Anti: SessRin is gross. She is just a girl!
Also anti: * Agree to sexualize a 15-year-old girl. *

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This account approves incest and pedophilia. 😔👌

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Funny how somthing is canon when it suits us. As a SessRin/Rivetra lover (and other ships that were not canon), it really bores.

"Oh, I don't like that canon ship, so it's not canon for me." Sorry, it is. (+)

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Yukie Sakō, sí. Quizá la animación no fue la mejor, pero amo que al menos se esforzaran en que la mirada de cada sailor scout/guardian fuera diferente. Especialmente los ojos ligeramente rasgados de Rei y el color ligeramente violáceo de Minako me encanta.

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Honorary mention to: Kagura, Kikyo and Rin (Inuyasha). Tsubame and Tsukumo (Karneval). Pan (DB) and Hermione Granger (Harry Potter). https://t.co/oTtJ6jVNx5

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When they’re both strong, independent women, but they end up falling in love with a womanizer. (?)

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It is like manga and anime. On the manga a character looks beautiful, but in the anime it's... weird xDDD. Like these two girls who should be the same because one is a reincarnation xDDD

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