Craig Collinsさんのプロフィール画像

Craig Collinsさんのイラストまとめ

Writing comics, drawing a bit. ROACHWELL and METRODOME with @iainlaurie and MEDIEVAL TIMES, @fermenthq's Ales comics and next TRAPPED! with @holidaypirate. 🗡🍕

フォロー数:561 フォロワー数:810

Been busy building some old school Epic 40K Chaos Daemon Engines out of various pieces of baked goods.

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Last one for a while! Some mild criminality going on in the brewing business in Ales Of The Unexpected by me and , from the pages of .

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We've been doing our Ales Of The Unexpected strips for for quite a while now, but we've never really shared them before. Here's a favourite from the very first bundle me and came up with!

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"Gulping down pig dicks with these two hogs".

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So what's going on with TRAPPED!? Me and are in the "marathon phase", heads down and working away on script and art. I'll be posting some work over the next few weeks - panels, characters, world-building and other goodies...

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Those of you who know my comics know I'm forever crowbarring in little musical references. In the case of Tunesome the short-lived Bard's invigorating battle song, we reinterpreted the lyrics to 's "Cake By The Ocean" to be a dungeon-crawling party tune.

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Watching The King's Speech and totally blown away. Geoffrey Rush is wonderful.

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Great to see Captain Phasma getting some proper dialogue in

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