

Fourteen TV pilots, three movies and so much more. Writing was my escape when I was young, will it ever be my future?
(Banner @itssugarmorning)
(Pfp @R69_art)

フォロー数:69 フォロワー数:267

It was not rhetorical, and I appreciate the explanation! The only time I was ever on jury duty (probably because I've moved around so much) it was like a four day thing.

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more concept art from the amazing Sue-chan! From left to right we have Dr. Evans, the on-site physician for Shippers. Next is Chenzira, the owner & boss of the shipyard. Lastly there's, I don't actually have a name for the scientist of CP:R, any ideas for her?

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Glad to see I'm not above making poop jokes.

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Can you tell I loved their HUA series?

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I'm Ink! The mostly flying gym leader. Lemme write this down and we can fight!
Almost done...
No, wait. Need to fix this wording...
Let's do this!
Hmm, that doesn't look right, gimme a minute...

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Here are four different shows that I have concept art for. I have many, many more planned once I can afford it. (The couple, rancher and crew are from Sue-Chan, the mechanic is from )

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Last but not least, the artist of the bottle creatures, CiP and the finishing artist of Roomies, Miss Shadow!

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