

Seventeen TV pilots, three movies and so much more. Writing was my escape when I was young, will it ever be my future?
(Banner @itssugarmorning)
(Pfp @R69_art)

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:243

Look at the sleeping Hane, he's so cute! >w< I just wanna tickle that paw!

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Six out of eight (soon to be seven out of ten) ain't bad. (The couple, rancher and crew are by Sue-Chan, the mechanic sketch is by )

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My friend Sue-chan offers low prices because she said it's more about the art than the money, and how quickly she can get art drawn.
This was done using pencil and marker, and she only charged me $20 for it. It's one of my favorites of hers.

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*Someone looking at image* "Why isn't she wearing daisy dukes & a cutoff?"
"She's a rancher and that's unrealistic?"
"You'd probably get more views if she wore less."
"How about you stick to hentai for your fantasies, and stay outta my shows?"
(art by Sue-chan)

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I've been thinking about it since the book was first published. I have ideas for all of them except Lilly, and two have already agreed to voice their characters!

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Meet Nysali, the main character for Wild West Witches along with one of her mythical horses, Annabelle! (Art by Sue-chan)

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The Roomies comic site went from 3 views before I left work to almost 50 views by lunchtime. Did I miss something here? I really appreciate the attention it's getting!

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Never enough paper! (Old meme but I like it)
Art by Shadow

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That question is the exact reason I created this character 20 years ago.

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