Cris-Tian (さんのプロフィール画像

Cris-Tian (さんのイラストまとめ

Writer, artist and Game Designer.
writer for Epigoni, Mythpop ttrpg, and owner of The GDR Team youtube channel.

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:119

Oi, nice.
Not a superfan of these boxsets that add one single leader and that's it, but any addition for these factions is welcome. Nice models too.

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Here's another character from the Urban Heroes rpg campaign me and my friends have been playing.
Keymaster had a bit of a hard time, having been attacked by a new misterious enemy that stole his magical dream-catcher and with it his power to open portals.

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And since we recently started a new Urban heroes rpg campaign, I can finally show the characters I drew.
First my own character Raffaele, the guy who got the powers of an angel, then got shot in the face and reincarnated within the day.

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Grandpa Vinter is a really old character of mine at this point, and while he mostly appears in one-shots I hold him really close to my heart. How can you not love an old, caring grandpa overly enthusiastic about holidays and that could kill any threat to the family?

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I did tell you Grandpa Vinter was a werewolf, didn't I?
Thank god for reference, I hadn't drawn a wolfman in years, but I'm really happy about this work. I wanted to show the sheer power and dignity behind this ancient, snow-haired creature, while also clearly showing his age.

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And finally here's my character from this little special game, Grandpa Vinter! A centuries old werewolf rediscovering the joys of life after a terrible grief and a 500 years long quest for vengeance. Also became champion of Santa Claus in a previous game.

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Had to remake this drawing with a different weapon, because of course Vernon would lose his golden sword and replace it with an axe literally in the first game session after I finised the original drawing.

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Yet more At this point I'm just drawing the whole party.
Now here's Vernon, the guy on a personal quest to get every possible cursed item and deal with the devil. He recently took part in a rite to rid himself of the stuff that turned him into a bloodhunter.

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Since it's great comfort art for me, more stuff! Gerard, the fighter/rogue from our group, had a bit of a makeover having his old coin turn into an enchanted cape and, just recently, having his sentient sword regain their memory, turns out they're actually an old fey monarch

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