

Yamanaka Family - Ino 山中いの, Sai 山中サイ, Inojin 山中いのじん 🦏🐗🐥| Saiino サイいの | Team Ino-Shika-Chō 猪鹿蝶­ 🐗🦌🦋 | '02 | pfp: @sugarriene

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Shikamaru says that if anything ever happens to Ino, he and Choji wouldn't stay quiet and would definitely go for Revenge.

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Ino & Choji helps an injured Shikamaru & Asuma after they faced-off Akatsuki. Ino attempts to heal Asuma but realised his wounds were too deep to be healed, and in her last words with her fallen Sensei, Ino promises to take care of Shikamaru & Chōji.

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Ino prioritized to visit Chōji who had been in a near death situation at hospital over Sasuke (her crush) when everyone returned from the Sasuke Retrieval Mission. Ino showed a great relief to learn that he's doing better.

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Later, Ino visits Choji at hospital with a basket of fruits when he was admitted due to stomach pain - reassuring to Choji that he also gets visits from girls - making up to him for what she said earlier

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Ino enthusiastically supported Shikamaru and Choji during their respective individual match-ups in Chunin exam preliminaries and finale.

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In Forest of Death, when Ino personally decides to rescue Sakura from Sound-nins, Shikamaru & Choji aids her, eventhough the enemy were far stronger. Shikamaru tells a reluctant Chōji that they could not let Ino fight alone. Ino apologizes for involving them.

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Ino helped Shikamaru & Choji to pass the written phase of their Chunin Exam using her Mind Transfer Jutsu by transferring the answers to them.

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Ino knew Chōji and Shikamaru from her childhood well enough to know their personalities due to their parents being the 15th generation of Inoshikacho, but not well enough to be friends until they were put into the same class of the Academy & later on the same team, traditionally.

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Ino is a part of the 16th generation of InoShikaCho along with Shikamaru & Choji. The bond InoShikaCho have is referred as golden, as a family or something along those lines. InoShikaCho is known to live & die together. The 3 clans have shared this strong bond for generations.

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Ino defended Sakura against her bullies many times. Ino even attacked Sakura's bullies and chased them away to protect Sakura.

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