

Addicted to TTRPG's and obsessively creating content for them.

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Van Helsing meets Strahd in my 5th edition rendition of the heavy repeater crossbow that was featured in the 2004 movie with .

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I really love the Dragon Age series and can't wait to see what they have in store for the next one. In the mean time, here's my version of Bianca for A Very Rare, Heavy Crossbow.

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I designed this next Crossbow based on a wonderful statblock I found on by a user named Indestructoboy. Taking some futuristic / Beyblade inspired elements mixed with modern ones like two coins holders on the sides for copper and silver coins.

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Bastilla, a combination of siege weapon with a heavy machine gun tripod. One of my favorite designs when it comes to the weapon art. Reminds me of playing stronghold and day of defeat, back when. Here's to bringing back the spirit of those days to the table!

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Next series in my list of magic items is (heavy) crossbows. Kicking the series off with this common netlauncher: the perfect tool for any bounty hunter. Convince your DM to have it on hand as your starting weapon, now!

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Working on a new set of battlemaps set in a fantastical setting. A mix of Planar and Feywild perhaps? Will post the full map and all the mechanics, like what happens when you fall off or touch the large gem, once it's finished.

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Those sketches are amazing! I had actually been working on writing up a D&D Heavy Metal Campaign a while back which included a Heavy Metal Bard subclass. This was my design for the cover of the booklet... Just hadn't had the time to finish it.

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Final item in my list of Blowguns is this Battering Ram inspired door buster. The concept of the piece is based on a inspired siege tower, the execution by . Great site for finding help on homebrew.

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This weapon was the first thing on my mind when I started creating Blowguns. I also feel it would be great to have normal bubbles deal 1 point of damage, floating around the battlefield while the charged ones explode into powerful spheres of death.

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A little bit of voodoo magic in my next magic item. Perfect fit for a DM whose running Two more Blowguns to go and then I'm off to Crossbows next!

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