

フォロー数:591 フォロワー数:970

"I don't have money .. but ..."

She took a gold ring with blue diamonds from her ring finger

"I have my wedding ring ... And of course the price of this ring is very expensive ..."

0 0

"Honest? Tch .. why would I lie to you, scientist?"

0 0

"Wait ... wait ... so are people willing to spend their money on a game? Why do people do that ??? Wouldn't it be better for them to save their money just in case ??
Hmm ... Interesting... let me in!"

0 0

"........ W... Wait... why is he standing there!??"

0 0

"I'm still here ... so bow before your queen!"

0 15

"Lancelot is not a bad person, please don't insult him ... the one you should insult is me ...
I was the one who tried to seduce him"

0 10

"Just walk? Okay ... I'll follow you wherever you go"

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