

Greetings! I'm a big fan of Nintendo, and I like to draw. So expect lots of cartoony art related video-games!

Former Miiverse artist drawing dude.

フォロー数:380 フォロワー数:77

This was just a pose I drew while doing some figure practice that I liked, so I decided to do something more with it. Also finished before ends!

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Bumpty is the best character...have a great day!

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Saw last week with some friends. I thought it was quite good! Probably watch it again with my family later. Kinda wish I drew Rey in a cooler pose, but too late now!

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If you haven't played you need to! It's a wonderfully designed Metroid Metroidvania game, and I hear there's plans for a port.

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Hats off to you ,it was a fun time that I surely won't forget.

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Hey, I'm CutterL. I draw a lot of cartoony fanart. Most of it is videogame stuff, especially Nintendo.

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Grimbo the Gibbon.
Just a character I doodled one day, not sure if I have plans for him.

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I need to get this game soon.

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Less Blest thru w/ Sped!
I'll write!

I'm proud of this one.

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