

producer, in @hushh_band

フォロー数:565 フォロワー数:489

look how cute the dvd is 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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anyway guys look at this lil poster i made for doccy who and the time monster i might watch it, i might not, either way life is good x

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thanks! wow you manage to make the skin look so good. i literally dont know how to do that? i think im getting better though, idk i try to just use as many colour images as possible lol, if not i just roll with the black and white and it can look kind of cool

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i know its not cool to like doccy who but i watched carnival of monsters and frontier in space this week, two cute lil 3rd doctor stories. did some artwork for them which i quite like 😌

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most recently, i did this for horror of fang rock. i watched this episode the other day and i love it! took me a while to get this one right but im glad i got there in the end!

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then i did snakedance, really pleased with how this one turned out!

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and of course, all the early versions...

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Benny's Story - 7.5/10

I liked this one more than I had done when listening to it before. I'm haven't heard much of Bernice Summerfield but I definitely liked her most in this story. The Eighth Doctor was great in this one too.

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Absolution - 8/10

Considering that I remembered absolutely nothing about it since I first heard it, I really liked Absolution. Some really great sound design in this audio. A truly heartbreaking final story for C'rizz who proved himself as one of my favorite companions.

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