

#Comicbooks and #Superheroes spark the literacy, imagination, and inspiration of the world. #Jesus

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In case I wasn't clear:
Whatever MaGog (#KingdomCome) people think they want, because they think is "old, out-of-touch, a relic of the past?"

Is going to end up stirring up the wrong things in people.
He'll be a Homelander.

knows how to hold a moral line.

9 46

"Making relevant again?"

When did he become irrelevant?


This is the scenario playing out in real life, and I'm already laughing at when whatever chosen MaGog people want ends up being the worst thing ever.

We need Superman NOW more than EVER.

17 69

Raise your hand if you miss Michael Turner
something awful.

26 98

I ho'pe that one da'y the prop'er use
of apo's't'rophes can re'turn.

2 14


did you know they were making a movie with
the Banana Splits?

6 51

(Geek Question of the Day)

Do you prefer heroes that kill?

Or heroes that don't?

(all of the below are killers BTW)

46 196