(Geek Question of the Day)

Out of the biggest families in comics,
(feel free to also use ones that aren't pictured here)

which family would you greatly reduce or eliminate altogether?

And why?

10 48

(Geek Question of the Day)

Both Mace and Yoda could've prevented the rise of the Empire if they'd killed Palpatine when they had the chance.

Is this the same standard we have for Batman letting Joker live?
Or the justification for Supes killing Zod?

11 42

Oooooh is trending
which leads me to today's
(Geek Question of the Day):

Since the premise of the movie means
that the sky's the limit,

what/who do you want to see show up
in the film?

My answers below:

6 35

(Geek Question of the Day)

Who's your favorite opponent?

Mine are below, name yours with accompanying pics.

12 96

(Geek Question of the Day)

IS there such a thing as
"canon" anymore?

In the comics, or any other medium that superheroes exist?

Do you care?
Why or why not?

15 59

(Geek Question of the Day)

What is the way you'd like to see Legacy portrayed
within comic character worlds?

When they're trying to pass the mantle to a new generation, or a move a new character to center stage....

...how do you personally like to see that happen?

12 43

Question of the Day)

They way I see it, has four main choices
on who the next movie Big Bad is.


Would you want to see one of these four as the next movie Big Bad, or someone else?

90 528

Question of the Day)

Who do you want to play
against Robert Pattinson's

31 139

(Geek Question of the Day)

What if they
*One More Day'd*

And I don't mean, broke he and Lois up.
I mean,
either she never existed,
or he never met her.

Would his titles still be the same?
Would you buy them?
Watch movies with no Lois Lane?

18 65

(Geek Question of the Day)

Do you prefer heroes that kill?

Or heroes that don't?

(all of the below are killers BTW)

46 196

(Geek Question of the Day)


Speaking strictly in which of the above techniques, if any, are you a fan of?

Do you have other techniques you wish they'd use?
(For example, letting characters age/die and get replaced.)

37 96

What are the top three changes you want to happen in the latest reboot?

27 73