Orlkov Da Worldforgaさんのプロフィール画像

Orlkov Da Worldforgaさんのイラストまとめ

An ork who travels realm after realm searching for stories to tell the worlds.

フォロー数:525 フォロワー数:50

...yeah, this is one of those moments...

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Just a tiefling, her fish and her giant robot car

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Vermintide II is my favourite. Step into the shoes of a soldier, a witch hunter, a sorceress, a dwarf or an elf. Then go on missions to destroy the skeeming rat-men known as skaven, and the disease ridden corpse warriors of Nurgle. Swords, sorcery and gunpowder, all you need.

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Ptera head and shoulders, Brachio arms, but that chest is an anomaly since it doesn't match any of the previous chests from revices 10 base genome forms, and it certainly isn't Den-O, none of it is.

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It's KaiJune, I'm late, but I'm gonna catch up soone4r or later. So first prompt, Forest, gives us the disgusting tree, Rotwood!

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To create art and tell stories... eventually. Currently working on a return to a webtoon series I attempted to start a while back. Soon, these two chaos spawn will start causing Mayhem

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