

Artist and Writer for @Onami_Comics
Halo, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, and plenty of OCs

I'm just goofin'

フォロー数:1142 フォロワー数:307

12. An OC You've Killed (If None Who Would You Kill?)
A few. All of which I regret. From the Yunkiverse I think the main two losses I've had are Degura and Sirius. I loved them both but their stories were over... for now...

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You guys might remember her popping up before and thats because she had a tease on Page 40

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Just one of those days where I can't stop thinking about Alexis again

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The basis for most of my design and fanart choices. https://t.co/1kfgC3xQeR

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10. Villain OCs
Half my villains are OCs. One quarter used to be villains. The rest I have villain or corruption AUs for. So for examples we have Sirius, Ult, Strive & Scheme, and my baby boy Octavion.

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08. Fav OC Ship
There's a few I love from KotLP but they're spoilers. And even then they don't compare to the obvious pick

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07. Do You Ship Your OCs W/ Someone Else's
I'm pretty sure it's just the one and that's Perfect and Hakks. I love them both. They're equally stupid and violent.

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06. Describe Your Character Creation Process
I'll have a list of character traits / reference images that I'll try to make sure are reflected. E.g Gummie was sarcastic and abrasive so I tried to get that across meanwhile for Perfect I had a bunch of ref images of placoderms.

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