

Artist and Writer for @Onami_Comics
Halo, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, and plenty of OCs

I'm just goofin'

フォロー数:1142 フォロワー数:307

Been meaning to draw Sheep for a while and this felt like a good excuse. Love her OG design

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Fun little fact about Vlad's Alexis outfit, in the initial version he just had a regular shirt underneath and ditched the turtleneck but multiple friends demanded I give him back the turtleneck.

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04. Favourite OC Design
This one's much harder. If it's for my own then I'd probably say Ult right now. If it's designs I've done for friend's OCs then Hakks in her Shinagawa form.

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03. Favourite OC
It's kind of hard to rank anyone above Perfect. He's my main boy.

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02. Newest OC
That would be Axol who I made for the Pinkapalooza contest.

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But what if... I were to take all the weird monstergirl designs I have and combine them all in a new project? Ho ho ho. Delightfully devilish Seymour.

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Saw this going around and I'd love to see what people's takes would be on the angry space fish who just wants to be a good villain but keeps ending up as the accidental hero

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Thinking more about OCs I need to do more with and Ult is one I desperately want to make more content for. Her story and design is probably one of my favourites out of my entire roster

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Was talking about characters yesterday and I should probably address these three from Page 40. They're gonna be turning up in places in Volume 2 and I can't wait for you guys to see what they're capable of, when they properly appear I'll go into more detail about them

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Darko was a bit weird to nail down visually and was one of the last characters I had a clear idea on how he'd look. I decided to work with Ace as a base and try to take it in a more biker direction as I think will become more and more obvious with the new outfits he'll get.

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