

Artist and Writer for @Onami_Comics
Halo, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, and plenty of OCs

I'm just goofin'

フォロー数:1121 フォロワー数:268

I really like it when the angry space fish and the nuclear monster girl hold hands.

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Learnt that it's Crocodile's birthday today. Happy bday to the best villain in One Piece.

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The Spirit of Fire is the peak of UNSC ships, you cannot change my mind.

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Seeing as the boys have gone public now, here's my original draft image of the Harbingers, the first monster of Knights of the Last Planet.

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I gotta draw my OTP more. Hakks and Perfect put a smile on my face and I honestly don't draw them together enough.

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Think I'll open up art requests for a little while to celebrate 100 followers. Depending on the time I have it'll either be a sketch or coloured we'll see. So yeah, anything you'd like comment below.

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Thanks for the artshare. I draw Dragon Ball, monsters, aliens, and fish people.

Also check out and because their art is stellar.

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Redrew an old Dragon Ball picture from about a year or two back. My art skill might have changed but my obsession with Frieza has not.

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Once again I am victim to the Art Train ✨💖
Thanks for the tags & (who you should check out)

I draw monstergirls, fishmen, robots, aliens, and magicians punching monsters.

Also check out these people they art good.

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