

Artist and Writer for @Onami_Comics
Halo, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, and plenty of OCs

I'm just goofin'

フォロー数:1121 フォロワー数:268

I'm pretty content with my art as it is but there's so many things I know I need to get better at. Backgrounds being the biggest one along with posing. I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be, especially having started a comic, but I'll get better I swear.

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I really really like Vlad and I'm so happy that he's finally gone from a character who's been stuck in my head since I was 14 to finally getting drawn and being in his own comic.

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Another character design commission done, this time for and of his D&D / Fates character. Drawing armour is always a ton of fun so thanks for the chance to let me do that again.

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I just like drawing Kale, okay? Wanted to get something done based off of her appearance in the Dragon Ball Super manga.

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As you could probably tell, I kind of like this webcomic.

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Don't know if I'm late for this but I like sharing my art so I'll go for it anyway.

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Some fanart for 's Maki. Really like this OC and they have some great Dragon Ball art, check them out.

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I know you said beautiful but I only got horrible boys

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If u see this qrt with ur art and tag some friends!

Fishmen, monstergirls, robots and Halo.

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