

Transcended voyages of my heart envisioned in visceral volleys of vocative verisimilitude

フォロー数:730 フォロワー数:663

Upon your threshold does it stand/In every nook conspire/That you may whisper hand in hand/Your tale of heart's aspire

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She blazed through the wreckage looking 4 a place 2 rest when she found it/or did it find her/it was Hope

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"Salt'em & Burn'em I always say"/The temp was dropping/She felt 4 the salt/"Castiel protect us!"/Boom!

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Another kiss & she was gone/& longed 2 hear her beating heart/l stood in the moon's stream!/& begged of her 2 dream

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With his flaming sword in hand he ripped through Hell like a comet falling demon after demon

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Forehead pale and tresses golden/On my shoulder you incline/& your lip's delicious plunder/Raise up willingly to mine

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Maybe 2 much an angel u/2 sweet a girl/That this strange ecstasy we knew/Its wings so soon should furl

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“now is the season to know that everything you do is sacred”

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She blasted her way out of Hades like a Valkyrie heading 4 Asgard/guns smoking & bloody mayhem

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My bad! it's"Hit Girl"almost got my ASS-KICKED 4 getting my popculture wrong.This is how I found HIT GIRL

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