

Transcended voyages of my heart envisioned in visceral volleys of vocative verisimilitude

フォロー数:730 フォロワー数:663

& I've got some new prototype armor 4 us to try out/Hades is going down like the Beeatch he is/DOWN!

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"What is,is/What was,is/Matter is an illusion/Meaning is an illusion/The DOOR opens both ways."

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And at the rising of the moon/I made my stand before the shore/the shore of Dreams/Of Dreams;Forever-Moon shall rise

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They followed the trail out of Hades with quickened pace;Their hearts beating against the tempest drum...

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U r among friends now/rest if u must but if you want to reach HOME/You have to go beyond yourself/BELIEVE

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...And your lip's delicious plunder
Raise up willingly to mine."

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Work leads us to riches.
Poor poets, work on!
The caterpillar’s endless sigh
Becomes the lovely butterfly.

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Nights stand 4ever still/All the DREAMS form a way HOME/I'm NOT afraid/LOVE is my DOOR/HOPE my SONG/COURAGE my WINGS

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Never let your History define you, define your Dreams,your Hopes.Believe in 2nd chances.Especially your own.

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WATER LILY-Family:Harmonious group relations.Fulfilling our unique roles,the whole flourishes.

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