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This week, @sallisaffioti joins us to talk VO, accents, working during the pandemic and so much more! #ResientEvil #FireEmblem #MetalGearRising
Check it out down below:
@StarkJeweIs Pretty sure he name searches himself just so he can block anybody who disagrees with him on anything.
If the usual crowd is pissed at the Kang casting news now, just wait when they find out who voiced him in Avengers EMH.
Having a hard time believing that both these games were made by the same developers.
Say what you will about the Spectacular Spider Man’s art style, but you can’t deny that that series did a great job of fleshing out Spidey’s rogues gallery.
Been reading some late 90’s X-Men comics and I honestly forgot about Marrow and her time as part of the main roster.