

|He/Him|SFW|Digimon content creator and his Gazimon whose work includes an ongoing comic series, fan art, OC Digimon, Virtual Pets and a blog.

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:305

Fun Fact Friday: Most of Gazimon's VPet evos are based on Kaiju. To reflect that, I based Gazillionmon on the Kaiju Baragon. Baragon is also a favorite of mine. so it was an easy choice

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For the last Evolution OC (for now), we have his Final Form! Gazillionmon, Gazimon's Ultra/Super Ultimate stage! Gazimon "Arch Digivolves" straight into this form, but it takes a ton of energy and has to be done carefully.

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Me hoping Gazimon gets product Vs Agumon and his Evos.

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In Xros Wars, Gazimon and I join forces with a Bearmon and Elecmon. The rare (and currently ONLY) OC that is not Gazimon related! BearmonXElecmon= Bearmon Elec Mode

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In a rare look at the human side of our duo: In our younger days Gazimon would take me to the park and tell me tales of life in the digital world. Art by the awesome .

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Part of my dream to have talented people draw my partner, drew this amazing art of Gazimon slashing! I love it so much.

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StrikeTuskmon is the next level in the Saviors/Data Squad timeline. It's said he was built similar to Megadramon and Gigadramon, and his tech is similar to that found in Nanomon(Datamon)

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I worked with for years bringing my Digimon ideas to life. It only makes sense that her Hirundramon and Gazimon (as Drimogemon) Jogressed (DNA Digivolved) It's Aukletmon!

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