

|He/Him|SFW|Digimon content creator and his Gazimon whose work includes an ongoing comic series, fan art, OC Digimon, Virtual Pets and a blog.

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:305

I'm still in the hotel so I lack a scanner. Here is a picture for now. Final art of Neon Gazimon, a Dark Evolution born from fear and panic. It's toxic venom confuses it's target and slowly drives them to madness.

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Fun Fact Friday: We have final art of the trouble maker Digimon who was first hinted at back in December. Ohmon. It's name is derived from "a Bad Omen".

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For the first time ever, I picked out my team for the entire game of Arceus. The 6 Pokemon I used in the game will not change the entire story. Due to spoilers of some new Pokemon I can't yet share all the 6, but here is the team captain!

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My partner Digimon's final Form, and my Partner Pokemon's final form. I like back cannons and I cannot Lie. You other Tamers can't deny.

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I dunno if I'm much of an artist as much as an idea man/writer, but I've been known to doodle. I'll tag and

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Previously each kind of OC (Gazimon evolution, a sidekick, etc) had their own branding. Moving forward, the OC art will have a single logo. It helps cut down on clutter, but it also allows me to reveal new OC Digimon who didn't previously fit in a category.

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Fun Fact Friday: the first artist I worked with was . That's why Aukletmon is a Jogress evolution between Grizzly and her OC Hirundramon.#デジモン

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Fun Fact Friday: Snow Gazimon's primary attack is called "Frozen Wisp" where he hurls snowballs covered In a ghostly light.

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What about Snow Gazimon? A evolution of Gazimon from the Digimon Ghost Game Universe.

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IYMT: art of the three champions (Steam, Snow, and Splash) Gazimon, as drawn by .

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