Hatfield Woodhouse Pさんのプロフィール画像

Hatfield Woodhouse Pさんのイラストまとめ

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We are loving 🥰 the stunning weather ☀️ at the moment it makes such a difference to how we all feel. But we need to stay safe in the sun. Put suncream on, bring your water bottle and bring a hat 👒 or 🧢 to cover your head

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Today the school joined together to share our thoughts about those who have fallen in war. HWPS also remembers former pupils Corporal John Harper for his services & ultimate sacrifice in WW2

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Year 4 Koala Class 🐨 during R.E today had to choose their own Superhero or person who inspires them - plenty of varied answers but the most popular were Thank You for inspiring our students.

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The pupils have completed some awesome work on colours and emotions. It’s important we talk about our feelings and why they are there. What emotion do you associate with red? Some pupils felt love ❤️ others felt anger 😡.

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Debbie in year 6 won the competition connecting stories, Doncaster based on the theme “a changing world”. This is Debbie’s work it’s amazing 🤩 she received prizes for the school, for herself and an amazing session in school with

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After our brilliant assembly about the whole school is taking part in the School will send information home but here is the link too https://t.co/giHUcghAPJ

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This is our amazing 🤩 piece of art work in the hall. gave the pupils art lessons via zoom. Years 3 - 6 all had ago at drawing, painting and creating with collage the different animals throughout the book - “The Mysterious Bird in the Moonlight”. It is a master piece.

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Lots of staff have had their second jabs this half term. We are doing everything we can to ensure school is a safe place to be. Thank you to everyone who has been giving out the jabs.

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All at Hatfield Woodhouse (parents, pupils & staff) have had the best day playing the masked reader. This has been a firm favourite and will return next year 👍. Thanks 🙏 Miss Turner for sorting.

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Today our Year 1's have started learning about nutrition as part of our DT. Georgia is very confident in knowing where our food comes from, fabulous work!

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