Happy Veteran's day!
Edwin C. Steen born in Seattle, Washington
US ARMY Sergeant (E-5)
Rescue operations; Medic
hc pacifist

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Happy Veteran's day!
Doc: Captain (O-3) Airborne School Mountaineering School Desert training
Wild Bill: Chief Warrant Officer (W-4)
copter pilot Fixed-wing pilot Aircraft armor Air Cav.

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Happy Veteran's day! we start with:
Stalker. army ranger!
all I can do is make paintings about it. :/

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To all those that served in the military in any branch, in every country, you are without the shred of a doubt heroes! Thank you for everything that you've done! Stand Tall and God Bless!!

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It was a great honor to portrait these authentic heroes of different races who served and fought for our country.Thank you for your service!

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Today the school joined together to share our thoughts about those who have fallen in war. HWPS also remembers former pupils Corporal John Harper for his services & ultimate sacrifice in WW2

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On Memorial Day we remember those who sacrificed themselves in service to our country, as well as the ones that were left to live on

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on Veterans Day & every day
Artist Credit>>>Ray Billingsley

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New line art 😍#thankyouforyourservice

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