

フォロー数:544 フォロワー数:207

Xaldin pretty tough boss fight definitely on harder difficulty, not much to him but his very loyal personality.

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Lenzo another person tricked and brainwashed but you thankfully help him out and he gets his heart and body back and helps you out a lot in Kingdom Hearts 3. Pretty cool design you could see his hair on the main character of some anime.

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Snow White she's fine, out of all the disney princess she might need a live action reboot the most, however I want that Rose Red movie which if you don't know that's her sister and I would like to see a modern version of the character.

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Clayton is a great villain in the movies in here I think it takes too long for them to figure out he is the bad guy, of course they wouldn't do his movie death because its one of the darkest disney deaths in the animated movies.

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Phil is a really fun character and of course he flirts with any cute girl he comes across I love his interactions with sora donald and goofy and the voice actor does an amazing job in the games

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the moogles are the games regular are shop owners they regulars in final fantasy and kingdom hearts and are so adorable I love them ff 12 has the most different design i've seen of them.

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Selphie is pretty neat character the only one of the three childhood friends of Sora, Riku and Kairi to come back in another of the games.

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Four Square Enix I would love to meet team RWBY from kingdom hearts dragon quest, bravely default and final fantasy.

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The characters from Final Fantasy I would love to see meet team RWBY

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I hope when the next saga kindom hearts games comes out this worlds you get to visit, dragon quest seems weird but its cartoonish world and the humour would work for KH series, Raya is such a fun world and one you can easily bring KH into, ff7 remake perfect time-

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