

Just some kaiju and marine bio nerd |
I draw stuff... very slowly, thats pretty much it.

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:943

Shin goji time lapse.

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Time for some slightly older art. There was no sketch or plan to this piece. The background was a last minute idea since i needed something back there. It turnes out surprisingly well.

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So I recently started to do digital art as well. While I plan to continue doing most of my art traditionally, I'll be making chibis and full body sketches digitally. Here are some.

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Nest drawing is of Mothra 2001 hatching from her chrysalis. I had been wanting to draw her for a while but always had trouble with her face.

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Well i guess i should start putting some of my art up here. So here's my favorite piece I've done. Iris from Gamera 3. It took a couple months and a ton of ink was used. But it turned out great.

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