

pfp by @curry_swirl
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semi-quit twitter (hasn't checked my dash since late july)

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thanks! also what's with having Barista Pup twice (given that you seem to otherwise avoid including alt designs of the same character, the only other exception being Jack Whacky)... unless there's actually two of them

1 13

what's the deal with the 🅱ony tv? I don't even remember seeing them

1 13

seriously what the fuck are these threads. I have no clue what it means to "stan loona" but I guess this is what it looks like when 4channers stan loona

0 1

both of them are based off of artists who work on the show

1 1

I know this is a really old convo but I just remembered something: when Tracy Yardley's B cover for issue 1 was first shown, it was labeled as an A cover, so I bet that Tyson's Quad covers for 1-4 were originally *meant* to be the B covers, but IDW swtiched them later.

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Previews World's website now has the A () and RI () covers for IDW Sonic the Hedgehog issue 18 up! also looks like a change in interior artist: instead of we have

10 47

I will say it's a shame that Tyson Hesse's best cover so far wasn't for an actual issue

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I never grew up with any dilbert collections, but there was one at my aunt & uncle's place where the gimmick was explicitly "Scott Adams explains the joke to you under each strip featured" and the explanation for this specific one was "I think I was drunk when I made this"

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I'd say the other retail covers (the "B" covers done by the interior artists) do give off a good impression of what the issue's about (sans Yardley's on issue 1). Tyson and the editors probably took liberties on what the A covers depicted to make it a quadriptych

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