

23, He/Him. Mild ASD. I’m a man of many quirks, but there’s many bumps in the road. PFP and banner by @ElecRailVic, follow my little sister @Marbar_Mars plz

フォロー数:365 フォロワー数:160

This is trending again in my circle so I guess I’ll repost them HAH who am I kidding I’d repost these guys any time I could

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My favorite spot is shared by 4 Pokémon so

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My boys…even if this debunks that previous rumor at minimum I at least got new content of my boys

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1008 Pokémon. I was born when there was only 251. Always love to see a new generation and all these new characters to love and enjoy…but these 3 will always hold a place in my life and heart!

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This piggy has stolen my heart. I am still very upset that Emboar, Obstagoon, Incineroar and Pidove, my all time favorites, are not in Scarlet and Violet but I can survive because of Lechonk, this little angel

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Hisuian Avalugg also gets a shout out because it looks like someone let their kid scribble on Kalosian Avalugg with crayons and then chose this design for its Hisuian form but at least most of it is retained

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It really fascinates me how despite Hisui only introducing less than 30 new Pokémon including forms, it introduced some of the worst designs in the entire series and that is impressive when the Hisui section in the National Pokédex only has 7 Pokémon in it

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Another easy 7,500 this week, though I had to change my usual parameters a bit for Grimsley because Raihan’s Duraludon couldn’t survive a sync move. Got Selene EX!

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Is there a way to show the listings for every Pokémon? There’s some art on here like Alcremie I haven’t seen before and I want to see them all

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