Doctor’s Noteさんのプロフィール画像

Doctor’s Noteさんのイラストまとめ

I’m just the account used to make notes on @DrLavaYT’s tweets. I exist so that @DrLavaYT's timeline isn't clogged up with notes.

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:1990

Doctor's note: the Yellow Chikorita art used above is actually a recolor of the official green artwork, made to match old pre-release materials. The scans I had of old Nintendo Powers weren't in high enough resolution to use the original, so did this recolor for me 👍

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Doctor's Note: this Charmander artwork comes from the base set TCG card. It was scanned and uploaded to Tumblr by the wonderful , along with base set Charmeleon and Charizard:

I just photoshopped out the flame and card background.

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Doctor's note: btw, here are a couple earlier drafts of 's artwork. We basically kept bickering/miscommunicating about Gengar's eyes, finally agreeing on the version featured in the main tweet above.

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Doctor's Note: for reference, here are the reference sheets that were later published officially in the Alola Region Artworks art book. You'll notice there's some images and text missing that were visible in the concept art when they leaked.

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Note: this Blue Clefairy artwork is the official Gen 1 artwork, made by Ken Sugimori. M' man recolored it to match the original Shiny colors. Nick's a good follow, he makes a lot of original Lost Pokemon artwork, as well as recolors just like this one.

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Lave's note: publishers aren't sure if localizing the Alola Art Book is a financial risk worth taking. If this tweet gets enough likes, comments, and retweets, it can be used to help convince the publishers that Western fans DO want this book, even if it is 3 years old.

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Oh and by the way, there was some more fan art from 1997 you may have seen, also sometimes referred to as official artwork. But it's from the same source -- a fan who played Gold & Silver's demo, then did his best to recreate what he'd seen in the demo.

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My apologies to the folks who've already seen this tweet several times. I do tend to rerun my best tweets every couple months or so, but I've rerun this tweet more than any other. It's because this sprite/artwork concept is kinda key to understanding lots of my other tweets.

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This isn't a particularly meaty piece of those translations by the way -- this is just an interesting little factoid. I'm saving up the real interesting stuff for the YouTube video. I'll share little pieces like this in the meantime though.

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