dwane powellさんのプロフィール画像

dwane powellさんのイラストまとめ

Editorial Cartoonist, News and Observer, McClatchy, Creators Syndicate, Retired, drawing one cartoon per
week for The News and Observer.

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:3670

Strange timing by the Tweeter In Chief after his intel briefing on just how brazen the Russian hacking and spreading of disinformation was.

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Recent tweets by the Tweeter in Chief harken to the days of 'Duck and Cover'.

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Recent tweets by the Tweeter in Chief have taken me back to those days when I was growing up during 'Duck and Cover'.

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It pains me to say this, but our soon to be ousted Governor would probably be preferable to Trump's cabinet picks so far.

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CNN's Chris Cuomo commits actual TV Journalism in a 38 min interview with former respected NYC Mayor Rudy, now Trump Toady, this morning.

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Perhaps we're in a real-life remake of the old horror movie THE HAND:

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Re-post due to typo: Trump's threats to sic a special prosecutor on his opponent reminded me of a couple of other regimes:

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McCrory: Check 1st Amendment at door when putting on a band uniform!

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