dwane powellさんのプロフィール画像

dwane powellさんのイラストまとめ

Editorial Cartoonist, News and Observer, McClatchy, Creators Syndicate, Retired, drawing one cartoon per
week for The News and Observer.

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:3670

Sunday Cartoon: N.C. Congressman Mark Meadows is one of the biggest Trump toadies in Congress, though I'm afraid too many North Carolinians don't know who he is. At present he is leading the charge of the Freedom Caucus to impeach Rosenstein.

13 11

Tweetorama 2018 begins...only 362 days to go...

31 41

Top 1% gets theirs. They will eagerly pass some of it on to the great unwashed among us, we are assured by our 'leaders'.

29 48

Jones St. gang tires of losing in court so says, 'Heck, we'll just pick our own judges!!!"

3 1