

ezariumi • a tired human doing their best !! ✧
usually drawing ⇢ tddk, hq!!, knbn, OCs
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フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:6539

A preview of my illustration for Reverie, a JJK Zine.
The full image has Todo at a small cafe with his besto friendo. ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ

Preorders are open until August 8, 2021.
Please consider supporting it!

More info |
Shop link | https://t.co/NJpdmZAngZ

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Full image of my illustration for the . |

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[2/2] Full image of my illustration for the 2021 calendar included with the TodoDeku centric zine, Seasons of Love, organized by ​​.

A restful image for the month of August.

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Full image of my illustration for the theme of Beast AU in the . |

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Preview of the 2 cards I illustrated for Courts Align!, A Haikyuu Fantasy Tarot Project.

Please consider supporting it if you can and would like to.

More info |
Kickstarter link | https://t.co/Q79avCnDXd

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I drew Yukka and Akanen . ୧(﹒︠ᴗ﹒︡)୨
If I had not stayed in class late into the night that one day in 2017, I wouldn't have gotten to know Keyaki,, Thank you for being a part of my youth !!

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