

Updates on your cosmos and world.

フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:819791

Active 2019 Atlantic hurricane season comes to an end 💨

The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season, which ended on November 30, produced 18 named storms, including 6 hurricanes, 3 of which were major (Category 3, 4 or 5). Read more: 👓

Image via NOAA. 📸

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A recently discovered black hole might have swallowed a star from the inside out ... scientists are baffled! Read more

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Popular at EarthSky last week ... Earth's magnetic song

People who've heard it have compared it to whale songs. Listen here:

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Full moon comes at 12:29 UTC today (8:29 a.m. Eastern). So the moon is officially full today. But - for much of the world, including Europe, Africa and the Americas - the moon you see rising tonight will already be waning. Read more

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Tomorrow morning … Likely peak of the Perseids ☄️

Unfortunately, the moon is nearly full and in the sky nearly all night now. Still, you might catch a meteor in moonlight. Read more: 👓

Image via John Ashley. 📸

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Why no eclipse at every new and full moon? 🌑🌕

In 2019, there are 13 new moons and 12 full moons, but only 5 eclipses - 3 solar and 2 lunar. Read more: 👓

Photo: Total lunar eclipse composite image by Fred Espenak. 📸

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The famous Leonid meteor shower is expected to be at its best in the predawn hours on Saturday, November 17, and Sunday, November 18, 2018. We give the nod to Saturday, November 17, because there will be less moonlight to intrude on the show.

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Solstice is tomorrow
December solstice 2017 arrives on December 21 at 16:28 UTC; (translate UTC to your time zone.

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Solstice coming up December 21 ... Details:

It arrives December 21 at 16:28 UTC

Translate to your time zone:

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When's the next U.S. total solar eclipse?

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