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Good evening John & thank you. Yes, one wonders why Henry was so reticent to paint the Bryant & May logos clearly: maybe he or one of his family had "history" with the factory? Here's another "Still Life" by him which features two match boxes this time! https://t.co/kuKtKoDkck

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Good evening Jane & thank you. Here's a little sketch of "The Bandstand, Broadstairs" by Elwin Hawthorne from c.1931. https://t.co/uRTOfD4rtj

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Good morning Lucy & thank you. It is a marvellous painting & so apposite in the current circumstances of Here's another one that I hope you'll like: this is "St Mark's Church" by Harold Steggles from 1932. https://t.co/oG5C7ov6cJ

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Good morning Tricia & thank you. If I'm honest, I had to double-check that it was Here's one that I haven't shown for a while which I hope you'll like: this is a sketch for "Old Buildings, Shoreham" by Elwin Hawthorne. It is undated, I'm afraid. https://t.co/T6MiRK3rPW

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I thought I'd start today with this watercolour sketch for "The Horse Bridge" by Elwin Hawthorne from 1935. It depicts the bridge at Little Venice.

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Good morning Tricia & thank you. I was rather hoping that it might be a suitable image to show today. Here's another one which might engender thoughts of the seaside once these days of are behind us. This is "Lyme Regis" by John Cooper from 1935 https://t.co/jGYoA7w7UK

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Good evening Claire & thank you. I'm very pleased that you've enjoyed discovering the ELG & Walter Steggles' work in particular. Here's an early example of his work which is a great favourite of mine: this is "The Scullery" by him from 1927. https://t.co/V8KcGBCaAM

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Good evening Nick & thank you. Yes, I'm sure you'll have seen images that are reminiscent of Elwin's work on your travels. Here's a sketch for "Blackheath" by Elwin Hawthorne: it would be interesting to be able to pin-point the location. https://t.co/gkOze4pbjW

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Good afternoon Simon & how interesting. You might like to see this portrait of "Phyllis Bray" by Hans Feibusch which shows Phyllis in later life. It is in a private collection. https://t.co/mbzjjILgHy

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Good morning John & thank you. Here's a "Still Life" by Phyllis Bray. I'm not sure of the date but I believe that it is post-war. https://t.co/lDYnWsOZTj

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