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Good evening John @jwripple & thank you. Yes, one wonders why Henry was so reticent to paint the Bryant & May logos clearly: maybe he or one of his family had "history" with the factory? Here's another "Still Life" by him which features two match boxes this time! #HenrySilk #ELG https://t.co/kuKtKoDkck
Good evening Jane @JaneQuaife & thank you. Here's a little sketch of "The Bandstand, Broadstairs" by Elwin Hawthorne from c.1931. #ElwinHawthorne #Broadstairs #Kent #ELG https://t.co/uRTOfD4rtj
Good morning Lucy @lucyschaufer & thank you. It is a marvellous painting & so apposite in the current circumstances of #socialisolation. Here's another one that I hope you'll like: this is "St Mark's Church" by Harold Steggles from 1932. #HaroldSteggles #ELG #StayHomeSavesLives https://t.co/oG5C7ov6cJ
Good morning Tricia @TriciaWonders & thank you. If I'm honest, I had to double-check that it was #SaturdayMorning!! Here's one that I haven't shown for a while which I hope you'll like: this is a sketch for "Old Buildings, Shoreham" by Elwin Hawthorne. It is undated, I'm afraid. https://t.co/T6MiRK3rPW
I thought I'd start today with this watercolour sketch for "The Horse Bridge" by Elwin Hawthorne from 1935. It depicts the bridge at Little Venice. #ElwinHawthorne #LittleVenice #StayHomeSaveLives #ELG
Good morning Tricia @TriciaWonders & thank you. I was rather hoping that it might be a suitable image to show today. Here's another one which might engender thoughts of the seaside once these days of #SocialDistancing are behind us. This is "Lyme Regis" by John Cooper from 1935 https://t.co/jGYoA7w7UK
Good evening Claire @CC4BirchGreen & thank you. I'm very pleased that you've enjoyed discovering the ELG & Walter Steggles' work in particular. Here's an early example of his work which is a great favourite of mine: this is "The Scullery" by him from 1927. #WalterSteggles #ELG https://t.co/V8KcGBCaAM
Good evening Nick @nicholas_sack & thank you. Yes, I'm sure you'll have seen images that are reminiscent of Elwin's work on your travels. Here's a sketch for "Blackheath" by Elwin Hawthorne: it would be interesting to be able to pin-point the location. #ElwinHawthorne #ELG https://t.co/gkOze4pbjW
Good afternoon Simon @simonmartin_art & how interesting. You might like to see this portrait of "Phyllis Bray" by Hans Feibusch which shows Phyllis in later life. It is in a private collection. #HansFeibusch #PhyllisBray https://t.co/mbzjjILgHy
Good morning John @JohnFordBlagger & thank you. Here's a "Still Life" by Phyllis Bray. I'm not sure of the date but I believe that it is post-war. #PhyllisBray #ELG https://t.co/lDYnWsOZTj