

Obsessed with [making] comics ♡ likes using her butt for evil ♡ always wants to draw/do things (ALL the things!)

フォロー数:399 フォロワー数:493

I somehow feel like I've made a similar comic before in the past? More than once? Might it be because I never learn?? ò __ ô

2 10

Somehow I had this naive inflated expectation that coming from a vacation would leave me freshly energized and with renewed strength and resilience to more easily take on the challenges and stress of my everyday life and work, buuuuuut no.

0 4

I tried.
Modulor, Boesner... you call it, I'm helpless.
To be fair, I don't think meds powerful enough to cancel out Art Supply Euphoria exist yet.

4 17

"Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't a real amber if that's what you wanna be!"

My little holiday obsession. For once, it wasn't the dogs who made us slow because of their sniffing around. 😂

1 9

Also, the sooner it's December the sooner the days are gonna get longer again and that thought is what makes my mind persevere.

0 7

When you finally remember.
It's like your laptop has some random task running in the background, that you didn't even ask it to do, which slows everything important down. Very annoying.

TABASCO! It's out now. Phew. Back to life. 😂

3 20

Lockdowns were piffling trifles compared to what's coming (for tattooists).
If you want to help me keep my livelihood, please sign the petition. You can find information about what this is all about (including the link to the petition) HERE: https://t.co/6Qqhgp8a6V

3 8

Doctor at the vax center was exceptional!! Overall, the whole vaccination thing was a surprisingly extremely non-uncomfortable experience, 10/10!
I wish I had an emergency batphone (stab-phone?) to call him whenever I require a thin sharp object to dive into my skin.

2 12

... from March till... May(?)! 😅

2 28