

Obsessed with [making] comics ♡ likes using her butt for evil ♡ always wants to draw/do things (ALL the things!)

フォロー数:441 フォロワー数:564

Frankly speaking, this is one of the comics I've been seriously considering to not post after I finished it.

4 14

Who wants to give a magical tree-deer thingy a permanent home?

0 2

I am an ephic optimist and I have not given up hope yet.

1 4

I do love colorful fingernails but unfortunately 98% of my attempts to look cool'n'fancy end in fits of rage and frustration.😅

2 15

The hardest thing about love from afar is that you can't just hug the shit outta someone when needed.

12 25

Blissful ignorance.
And we haven't even gotten to the part about what could go wrong!
(I'd like to book the general anaesthesia upgrade thx)

1 14

Warriors are sad too sometimes.
And that's ok.

19 44

Base tattoo by Minerva's Linda, supplementary colors by derby.
(Should go w/o saying... don't grab ppl w/o consent to look at their tattoos)

3 15