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#DidYouKnow that rubies and sapphires are fundamentally the same thing? 💎
Both are made of a mineral called corundum, a crystalline form of aluminium oxide.
Chromium impurities give rubies their red color, while the term "sapphire" designates any shade of corundum, except red.
@ElliottBlackwe3 No particular carol, however this illustration reminds me of my favorite Christmas read as a child: "Ernest and Celestine : Le sapin de Noël", created by Gabrielle Vincent
The tenderness of these drawings moves me beyond words
According to a 1994 study, this fake television show featuring a haunted house and strange phenomena presumably induced PTSD in some of the children viewers (published in BMJ but still to take with a pinch of salt)
(to keep the bad spirits away, mwahaha)
To horror fans that seek movies without gore, creepy makeup or jumpscares, I strongly advise you to watch "Ghostwatch" (1992).
In the dark.
I swear I'm singing to myself in a loud voice now just to keep the silence away.
@MoiParasite @pierrekerner @patrick_baud Magnifique travail ! :D
... My heart beat fast: I saw all hope was over. I called upon them to speak. M. Dubois then, after a long & unintelligible harangue, from his own disturbance, pronounced my doom."
#DidYouKnow that Mercury is the closest planet to Venus? And to Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - and even Pluto!
Here's why:
Sci-fi director: Sure, aliens always have expressionless faces, but honestly, if you want the thing to look like it comes from another planet, you cannot give it any recognisable emotion
Farmer: Hold my Meishan pig
That's it for this one! I have some research to get back to for my new website, which should be online very soon (upcoming: stories of dead bodies brought back to life, invisible inks, laughing gas, and fake planets) #teasing
Stay curious and have a nice day!