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I hope this short list has piqued your curiosity and sparked your interest for 19th century female adventurers.
Who else would you add to the list? Share stories and pictures of your own adventures here! :)
Have a great day!
Finally, the unkenreflex takes its name from the fire-bellied toad, named 'Unke' in German, which also exhibits this behavior
And there you go! Have a good day dear science nerds and stay curious! 💛
Though it might seem counter-intuitive to expose the most vulnerable regions of your body to predators, this is in fact a defensive posture
#DidYouKnow that gold and copper are the only non-silvery/gray metals of the periodic table?
Here's why: https://t.co/ltii2uQ4BG
Here's what a snail's denticles look like under a microscope.
I believe that's where the 70s got their inspiration for psychedelic ponchos.
#TIL that snail caviar was a thing
(+ a mini random thread on snails)
@blaemag @FlashCordon Alors, déjà, on laisse les pigeons des villes (en réalité des montagnes) tranquilles, ils n'ont rien d'affreux :p
Je fais un abus de langage en disant pigeon voyageur (qui n'est une appellation ne faisant référence qu'à une fonction). On parle plus exactement de tourte voyageuse