Rocking Roll Bluesさんのプロフィール画像

Rocking Roll Bluesさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:61 フォロワー数:810
# esm

It doesn't matter what medium she's in. Saionji is always a major dick, huh.

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It's possible I'm suffering from awareness blindness but I don't think I see most cosplayers differentiate between Usagi's skirt. It's the tell which confirms what level of power she is atm. Well, it's a neat detail anyhow.

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I'm calling the entire Moon fandom out. Usagi already debunked this harmful meme. Where was the courage to stand up for her already-earthed development until now? I'll be confiscating your crystalline badges.

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Back Cover Illustration for volume 4 of Dr. Slump's "Kanzenban" release (2006/12/04)

New volume, new favorite: The alluring Drampire & her crew! With hair permed & fangs bare, she's ready to drain you all...of your cash. XP taught her to avoid the Norimaki for their gag gravity.

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I was under the impression this was a completely different and original character pre-reading. It's on the level of not connecting Wayne's secret identity in hindsight, I admit. I think I even remember asking who this was when I saw neat fanart of her.

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So it's okay for the left to keep the chocolaty goodness but we gotta redraw the right in legacy releases, huh... Unforgivable...

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Cover Illustration for volume 5 of Dragon Ball's "Kanzenban" release (2003/02/04) — Now featuring Red Ribbon's very own Blue!

First impressions are lasting. Coming off as a suave Hollywood actor with his facial expressions, he definitely stood out during his serialization debut.

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Toriyama's Monster Design of Mage for "Dragon Quest" (1986/05/27)

You'll get lost in the atmosphere of their shady face! Since an illustration's detail doesn't carry 100% to a FC engine, he'll create every MD w/ simplicity & as w/ as few lines as possible for clarity's sake.

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