

-drawing and playing fighting games -Graphic Designer of L9K Designs
-絵描いたりしてます. 格ゲー大好き、特にSF6 - Juri main
Waiting for Vega(バルログ)参戦待っています

フォロー数:700 フォロワー数:1086

まだバルログの絵。Still drawing more Vegas. Been playing so much Fortnite lol   

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またバルログの絵描いていますw Drawing Vega. Again. Tried to play Seth but can only win with Vega   

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Painted Dr.Strangeness for Proko challenge. Combining a Super Hero and
a Video game character. Doing the challenge with my homie

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昨日はプラサカプコンでSFVめちゃ遊べた。そしてとりあえず初めてセス描いてみました。Drew Seth and Home boi Ryuuuuu.  

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鉄拳のキングとマードックお遊び! Tekken season 3 announced. Who is gonna get their bone cracked by king?  

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Working on details and colors for this Vega. How to make this more interesting... standing on someone? epic background? バルログの色直してる。どやったらこの絵おもしろくなるかな?   

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パルテナたん。colored Palutena. Smash is the Final for Evo. May the Goddess be with you.     

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