Eva Monkeyさんのプロフィール画像

Eva Monkeyさんのイラストまとめ

EvaMonkey.com webmaster, reddit.com/r/evangelion mod, occasional YouTuber (youtube.com/evamonkey). Ask me nerdy #Evangelion questions.

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:13031

Today I learned: Evangelion pool floaties are a thing.

318 1323

The cover of volume 6 of manga might just be my favorite. It's refreshing to see quality art that focuses on minor characters. Eva Unit-03 is pretty cool too. Shame it didn't get to stick around.

70 357

Some really nice art by Edwin Huang, aka featuring Asuka, Rei, and Mari. If you like, you can purchase prints on his store, individually, or as a set! https://t.co/77mYNTAJy4

83 383

Nice mashup of Nadia and Evangelion. I love seeing stuff like this, because in a lot of little ways, Nadia was like a prototype for Evangelion. Source: pretty-purin720, https://t.co/x8aGHx9xWK

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Punching some keys for a video script. Feels good man.

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I, Eva Monkey Decimus Meridius, lord of the Evanets, and keeper of the holy stone of Anno, do hereby, by royal decree, declare with unequivocal certainty, that Kaworu Nagiza shall henceforth be referred to as pansexual. So say we all.

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The majority of you probably won't appreciate this, but it really makes my day to find an artist who is obsessed with shipping Asuka & Kaworu. https://t.co/EHqSopuFFV

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You know, I think this is a really cute look for Rei.

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The out of character embrace between Rei and Asuka isn't the weirdest thing about this illustration, it's the creepy cyclops Rei. WHERE IS HER OTHER EYE?

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