

Wir sind die Deutsche Community Webpage für das FFTCG (Final Fantasy Trading Card Game)

フォロー数:79 フォロワー数:109

It also became a fun investigation for the community - thank you! I think we found a match :)

Really looking forward to more spoilers from the set!

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February got revealed!
Another nice fire card with exclusive artwork :)

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The official NA Opus XI Pre-Release page revealed the promo that comes in the pre-release kit:
[PR-068/11-069H] Cindy from
Looking at the sample artwork we got a while ago, she would be an earth backup.


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January's Organized Play has been announced:
[PR-064/6-010H] Vermilion Bird l'Cie Caetuna!

I am so hyped to get this card in Full Art!
Great card with a stunning artwork!

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Verpasst nicht das in am kommenden Wochenende!
Das erste große Opus IX Turnier!

Do not miss out on the Grand Open in Frankfurt the upcoming weekend! First big Opus IX tournament in Germany!


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Every 2019 will provide their own absolutely beautiful deck box for every participant! On top of that, you can win a with the same design!
We are so happy is representing the Ice Crystal Cup - doesn't she look gorgeous?


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Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Gewinner des Nikolaus' Gewinnspiels! Für alle, die Probleme hatten, die Schnipsel zuzuordnen, gibt es hier eine Auflösung:

Zum 24.12. gibt es erneut ein Gewinnspiel, mit tollen Preisen!

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Yesterday we released our first Patreon only Deck Review - featuring Mono Wind! Available in German and English!

Gestern ging unsere erste Patreon Deck Review online: Mono Wind! Verfügbar auf deutsch und englisch!

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