

Created by a group of spirited novel lovers, Fanmily serves as a novel index where users can find all Asian translated novels.


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He Xuan and Wind Master Shi Qingxian 🤓

Image: 渔歌问酒 From Netease Lofter

79 185

3 ShiZun's pics tell u [when u talking to the guy you loved]😝
1. Speak without any expression😑
2. No topic conservation.🤨
3. Whisper.🤩

Image: 古戈力 From Netease Lofter.

63 184

: Shizun, Do u love me? Can I stay with you? And if you think I have a handsome appearance, remember to tell me in comment area~

Images: 一媛咂儿 from Sina Weibo.

46 106