

A Jaymz who Loves Chubby Tummies! Ace/Pan-Romantic, Polyamorous. Older than you think I am! Stuffed belly art, cute kigurumis. 🔞

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:4654

Baxter ad for Chubby Bunnies, available only during Fat Bunny Week!


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Jackalope making off with your last carrot...


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Pot belly Bugs for a Tumblr Ask. This one is admittedly a lot more my speed, haha.

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How y'all fail to let me know it's Fat Bunny Week???

Please leave chubby bunny suggestions in the comments. T^T

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Goo & Cameron body swap (for a Tumblr Ask). Cameron is starting to dislike magic, I think. Haha...

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Summer Funny Bunny
Bun having summer fun.

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Baxter's favorite sweet at Conejo Confections ironically enough are called "Chubby Bunnies". Peanut butter & chocolate coated toasted marshmallows. He can't get enough of 'em. Fortunately for his waistline, they're only available for a limited time each year.

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Alfonse stuffed bunny? For a Tumblr Ask. It should be noted that I know absolutely ZERO about this character so I can't answer any questions.

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I drew a little follow up but I was too embarrassed to show it to the funny bunny so I'm just throwin' this up here so I can get it out of my work folder and discard my shame, haha. Why do fat bunnies gotta have this effect on me? Moving on... nothing to see here...

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