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Dear James S. Henry @submergingmkt, Congratulations for appointment to board @amnestyusa. Please help us eradicate child labor & end slavery. BizModel of too many multinationals is to increase/sustain misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration in supply chain
The Sustainable Development Goals have failed, in large part, because of the cruel business models of multinationals and developed countries. For profit, they increased misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor, and forced migration. cc @a_gellinek @REUTERSFARGE @StephNebehay
@JordynJournals A GREAT INTERVIEW would be if you were to ask the CEOs of @benandjerrys @unilever @Starbucks @Nestle @lavazzagroup @illy @peetscoffee @MDLZ etc when they will STOP exploiting poor & defenseless children, farmers & farm workers to save on the cost of coffee, cocoa, tea, etc.
La verdad sobre la soberania e independencia de Guatemala, plasmada por el genial @JosMChacn2. cc @marybsheridan @will__grant @stefaniedioses
La verdad sobre la independencia nacional en una ilustracion creada por el genial @ArgonCaricatura. Esta triste verdad la comparten todos los paises de America Latina.
When Ursula @vonderleyen was elected President @EU_Commission she committed to ZERO TOLERANCE to #ChildLabor in @Trade_EU, CHILD LABOR HAS INCREASED! #SOTEU @IratxeGarper @saskiabricmont @hildevautmans @zoyashef @POLITICOEurope @Mariearenaps @martina_michels @ignaziocorrao
Dear @NormaJTorres, On #LaborDay we cannot forget the 300 million children that work. ~1 millon Guatemalan children work. Cruel & illegal business models based on child labor (coffee, cocoa, cotton, mining, fashion, etc.) must be stopped! @LuisvonAhn @lanegrisgt @ClaraJeffery
@OlafDeutschbein @dreynders @EU2020DE Olaf, As you know: German "sustainability" standards #Fairtrade, 4C, etc. sustain misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration, besides deceiving German & EU consumers. Exploitation is CRUEL! #StrafbareWerbung is illegal! @BirteMeier @ReutersCarrel @LouisPosern
@ChukaUmunna @steve_sedgwick @SquawkBoxEurope @CNBC @BizRoundtable @bianca_nobilo @AIMGilmour @annaedwardsnews @TWWelsh .@AlanJope @Mittaloak @benandjerrys can't claim they believe #BlackLivesMatter while @unilever exploits African children & farmers to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa. Illustration @ChavoDelToro for #Cartoons4Change #365DaysAgainstChildLabor cc @JenniferJJacobs
@donlemon @lacqua #BLM
Mme @vonderleyen, Comme disait Victor Hugo "qu'y a-t-il donc au-dessus de la justice? - l'équité." Et s'il y a de l'exploitation dans le café, le cacao ou le thé, la misère, la faim, la malnutrition et le travail des enfants, cela n'est pas juste et encore moins équitable. @AFP