Fernando Morales-de la Cruzさんのプロフィール画像

Fernando Morales-de la Cruzさんのイラストまとめ

Journalist, abolitionist. Founder @TarifaForum Founder & Editor in Chief @LewisHineOrg & @Cartoons4Change Works to help eradicate misery, child labor & slavery

フォロー数:5515 フォロワー数:2336

I hope that soon most people of goodwill will join our efforts to eliminate child labor. It's unacceptable that Norway, one of the richest countries on earth, & hundreds of corporations profit from exploiting tens of millions of the poorest children. It must stop! It's illegal!

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Dear , I'd like to talk to you about the fact that Norway, one of the richest countries on earth, profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of children by investing in 100s of corporations that use child labor. Read my Ltr to Erna Solberg.

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Regarding DG claim that EU works to tackle the "root causes of economic vulnerability on the ground": misery, hunger, malnutrition & child labor among small farmers in supply chains of Europe increased because EU pays them <1/4 of real value of their products. CRUEL

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At the present time, even & "academics" work against children's rights & human rights of the poorest because of MSI's with corporations &/or Govts profiting from the explotation of children, like Norway, EU, Switzerland, USA, UK, etc

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Dear Bianca, The question: "Do you condone must be answered by Prime Minister & Min . Norway´s is a shareholder of & hundreds of corporations that exploit tens of millions of poor children.

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Dear , 72 years after Universal Declaration of Human Rights & 31 after Convention on Rights of the Child, Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of children via 's investments in hundreds of corporations that use child labor

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Samantha Power and the US Government cannot continue to overlook the cruel and illegal business models that have increased misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor and forced migration even if the financial beneficiaries are billionaires. This can be fixed with only

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Dr Bull, Because is a shareholder in hundreds of corporations with child labor business models -the opposite of the Sustainable Development Goals-, Norway profits from the exploitation by those corporations of tens of millions of the poorest children on earth.

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On I repeat again: IT'S UNACCEPTABLE & CRUEL >100 MILLION AFRICAN CHILDREN WORK & DON'T STUDY. Tens of millions of these children work in the supply chains of corporations & developed nations to reduce costs & increase profits. This has to STOP!

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DG Weyand, Even "Fairtrade" coffee, tea & cocoa at has child labor! This due to "'s" cruel & illegal business model. As you know, "Fairtrade" is EU sponsored. It's Biz model pays growers <1/4 of what they need to live with dignity & deceives EU consumers

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