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EL DICTADOR has kidnapped Nicaragua, arrested four presidential conteders & >100 members of the opposition, while @EP_President @JosepBorrellF @AranchaGlezLaya don't take any concrete sanctions against him or Nicaragua. Cartoon by @mwcartoons. @cefeche @MLillyDelgado @lopezismael
Dear @Siv_Jensen_FrP, What's @frp_no opinion of #Barnegate? As you know, Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children @rmilneNordic @Alanrkatz @LucyGJWhite @kjetilba @to_fo @OtisBilodeau @StephaniBaker @terjesolsvik @echasan #WorldDayAgainstChildLabor
Dear @audunlysbakken @kariekas @vonKnag, What's @SVParti's opinion of #Barnegate? As you know, Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children. @rmilneNordic @gfouche @LucyGJWhite @kjetilba @to_fo @miss_marriage @ToveLifvendahl #WorldDayAgainstChildLabor
Dear @jonasgahrstore @HadiaTajik @EspenBarthEide, What's @Arbeiderpartiet opinion of #Barnegate? As you know, Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children. @rmilneNordic @gfouche @LucyGJWhite @kjetilba @to_fo @miss_marriage #WorldDayAgainstChildLabor
@PhilipAanderud Yes, Norway lead the way! Norway, one of the richest countries on earth, profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of the poorest children via the investments of #NorgesBank. @kristelT @HeidiFurustoel @AnnIrenF @VidarHelgesen @NorwayAmbUNOG @PWYPNorway
I urge the Norwegian Govt lead by PM @erna_solberg to abide by its own legal obligations, respect the Norwegian Constitution, international human rights laws and standards. @norgesbank cannot continue to profit from the exploitation of tens of millions of children. cc @nixonron
I urge the Norwegian government lead by PM @erna_solberg to abide by its own legal obligations, respect the Norwegian Constitution and international human rights laws and standards. @norges_bank cannot continue to profit from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children.
@submergingmkt @Amnesty_Norge @Ina_Tin @NorgesBank @Ingridstolps @fridamariePR @sindreolav @hslindahl @talehungnes @NRKastrid @NIM_Norge @sape_123 @IngridRosland @tmpaasche @JorgenLohne @eivindhw @JohnPeder @AmnestyNord @HelenaBLamb @Katrine_IEH "The ww movement @amnesty is a non-denominational, non-partisan movement, INDEPENDENT OF ALL GOVERNMENTS, political parties & religious institutions. Maintaining Amnesty’s independence & impartiality is essential for our continued authority to speak out on human rights" @Ina_Tin?
@carlawalworth Dear Carla, The Norwegian Pension Fund @NorgesBank is a shareholder in Exxon & in most of corporations that dump pollution. Our focus now is to demand Norway, & all investors, to stop profiting from the extploitation of tens of millions of defenseless children. IT'S ILLEGAL!
@submergingmkt A strong message ☝️for @Amnesty_Norge @Ina_Tin. Amnesty Norge has overlooked the fact that Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of children via @NorgesBank's unethical investments @Ingridstolps @fridamariePR @sindreolav @hslindahl @talehungnes @NRKastrid