

We cannot avoid death! The ending cannot be changed! That is why we sing! That is why we scream! I neither give up on nor lament what I love!

フォロー数:1725 フォロワー数:1028

Shuten-douji was not born an oni. Her mother was a human woman and her father was the great dragon Yamata-no-Orochi.

How she changed from girl to demon varies greatly from story to story, but the one popular version goes like this...

Art Src:

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Hope things will get better for you soon!🙏

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Hey, good to hear from you again. Hope things will improve you find your way again. Take care!

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Seriously I don't get this anime ... perhaps 2nd epsiode will cure me ...

Speaking of 2nd episodes I've saved five (5) more anime 7just for this evening! And I have wine (so much wine) so let's gooo!

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Get well soon and hopefully you can get lots of rest!

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Ay ay ay, yeah sometimes it quite changes the experience depending on whom we let do the climbing...

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True hero and badass... glad he got his skill upgrade soon still he deserves sooooooooooooo much more ....

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No bad days allowed here! So better take care and enjoy it!

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